What is Your Biggest Fear?

Are you afraid of the dark? Do you start trembling at the sight of a dead body? Are you terrified to see a bloodthirsty animal? Do you wake up suddenly with a jolt in your sleep? Do horror movies scare you? Are you frightened by someone’s sudden voice in a long silence? If yes, then you don’t need to get panic because such are the general types of fears experienced by everyone. Though being scared is a normal thing but being overwhelmed by fear can lead to severe mental anguish. Such a prolonged condition eventually needs medical treatment. People share stories on blog parallel to Huffpost, which will explain common types of biggest fears of people:


Fear of losing your near and dear


This is the most common type of fear among people. We are born to live with our parents. We develop a strong bond of love among us. Then as we grow, we have very close relatives and friends around us. Then we get married to our life partner and are gifted with the blessings of our children. But when we see someone’s parent dying, or the sight of the dead bodies of someone’s beloved or children may give us goosebumps. We imagine our own loved ones and feel as if we can never live without them. This fear is quite natural and we can omit this fear by accepting the fact that one who is born is bound to die one day. Life does not stop.


Fear of Darkness

Our mind works according to the atmosphere it surrounds. If it is bright all around, our mind keeps on thinking positively. We feel as if everything is moving on. We generally give brighter colored rooms to our kids to make them brighter in their thoughts. On the contrary, the darkness makes us feel as everything is stopped. Our brain also stops thinking as it focuses only on unpredictable fears and perceptions about darkness. Most people suffer this type of fear in their childhood and if not treated well in that particular period of time may fortify in their fears. This may lead to destructive consequences with the growing age.


Fear of Failure


This is one of the most usual forms of fear. Success is what everyone demands. Although success and failures are inseparable at every stage of life, a man always denies this truth all the time. He is so overpowered by the negative effects of failure that he ruins all his life repenting on that particular failure. To overcome this fear, one has to accept that defeat and victory are parts of life. We must learn from our mistakes and move ahead to step forward in the world of success.


Fear of getting hurt

This is a very unique type of fear among people. A person suffering from this fear can be scared at the sight of an ax, scissors, a knife, or even a blade. He fears holding such things might hurt him badly. He imagines himself being injured and bleed with such things. At the extreme level, that person even starts shaking at the sight of even a needle. The person needs to consult a psychotherapist who may search for the root cause of such fear and train him/her to shatter all his fears with some exercise and related medicines.


Fear of being humiliated


In this modern world, there is little or perhaps no space for emotions. With the advent of machinery, human beings have started thinking like machines. We can never imagine how someone might get hurt because of our cruel and harsh words which could be very humiliated for someone. This fear of being humiliated can even start from childhood at home, then at school, and then in college/university. The person being humiliated suffers a lack of confidence and loss of self-respect. This may lead to that individual to suffer failures all his/her life.

As a matter of fact, fear doesn’t arise without any reason. It might be due to many inattentive reasons in childhood like child sexual abuse or assault, strict family behavior, unnecessary restrictions, depriving children of their basic rights of love and respect. Parents must notice such growing fears in their children and must make possible arrangements for their treatment. Even they can take their child to a psychologist for knowing the root causes of such fears and ultimately get their timely treatment.


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