Most of the times when you are just starting out surfing, many of the experienced surfers will encourage you to invest in an expensive and sophisticated surfing board. This happens a lot, however, we have come to realize that there are pro surfers who always love going the cheaper way to hit the waves. The Costco surfboard known as the Wavestorm, a light form surfboard has gained a lot of popularity among the pro surfers. It has something of the sort of a cult following amongst surfers out there.

Why the cheap Costco Surfboard?

costco surfboard

For most people during, their first surf lesson, the board that is usually a Wavestorm. There are many reasons for using this board. The Wavestorm surfboard is considered to be very essential in the new surfer’s life due to its ability to provide everything that a surfing newbie requires to get comfortable with the waves.

Nearly all surf schools use Wavestorms because they are light, safe to use and give an easy time to learn on in crowded areas. The Wavestorm can be described as a basic surfboard that every beginner should use. It allows the beginner to learn and get acquainted with all the parts of a surfboard thus allowing to be aware of how to handle your board in and out of the water. In addition, a Costco Wavestorm surfboard gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the length of a surfboard so you can handle it better.

Why Pro Surfers love the Cheap Costco Surfboard?

costco surfboard

The Wavestorm has gained a huge following amongst the pro surfers. According to the New York Times, Shawn Dollar, a big wave surfer who hails from Santa Cruz, uses his Wavestorm as some kind of a gag. Just recently Dollar won the Wavestorm World Championship, a foam surfboard-only competition.

Wavestorms are dubbed as surfboards for the outcasts of surfing or for the “kooks” as reported The New York Times. Dollar said that he kind likes being a kook.

The Wavestorm, despite being light and agile board, a number of surfers have noted some of its drawbacks. There have been complains from some of the surfers about the board soaking up the seawater after a while and its leash is prone to tangling.

However, other pro surfers like Jamie O’Brien have also been spotted using the Wavestorm. There has always been this rule that anyone who rides on the Wavestorm earns a “newbie badge” in the surfing world. This, however, doesn’t stop a huge number of surfers who use it and claim to be Team Wavestorm all the way.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro surfer, sometimes, it is nice to battle the waves with a highly affordable and simple surfboard like the Wavestorm. You don’t always need an expensive, huge fibreglass board around.


























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