Create a Six Figure Salary While Traveling – Lauren Bullen and Jack Morris Did!

Follow Lauren Bullen (@gypsea_lust) and Jack Morris (@doyoutravel) on Instagram!

Lauren Bullen and Jack Morris had no idea who the other person was approximately three years ago, but at the time, they each had a passion for photography and travel. Lauren was a dental hygienist before turning into a pro traveler, while Jack cleaned carpets for a living before deciding to take time off to backpack around Bangkok.

Lauren Bullen

It was through their passions that they began to realize that they could earn a decent living by posting their travel pictures on their Instagram accounts.  In the beginning, they would simply shoot amazing shots and post the images, but after they had thousands of followers, brands began contacting them.

Those brands were willing to pay them to show up at a destination, do a photo shoot or two and then post a pre-determined number of pictures onto their Instagram pages.  In the beginning they were each making a fair amount of money per brand, but their earnings really exploded after they met in Fiji and began traveling the world together.

All types of brands saw that they were posting images of themselves together and separately on both their pages and that they were continuously increasing the number of followers that they had.  The brands loved this concept, as couples normally travel together, so they began to ask Lauren and Jack if they would do photo shoots and post pictures to Instagram together.

Now, they are both earning at least three thousand dollars per Instagram post that they do for a brand. This may or may not seem like a lot to many people, but with the number of posts that they do for brands, they are now earning a six-figure salary every single year!

While both Lauren and Jack are kept busy with different brands, they also take the time to travel for their own pleasure.  At least once a month, they will choose an intriguing destination to visit and simply go to find the perfect picture of their dreams.  They may not get paid for those posts, but they are what keeps them genuine to their followers.  Their followers also love how they will only represent brands that they believe in and want to work with.

That means that they could potentially be making much more money but have chosen to stay true to themselves and those that they help represent.  They are happy with what they do, and they still have passion for travel and photography, which shows in every Instagram post that they create.

While Lauren and Jack are currently making six figures, the potential is there to earn even more in the future, as their love for travel seems to grow every single day.


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