Buy Discounted Boboli Gardens Tickets, Florence!

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Book Boboli Gardens in Florence, Italy. Check prices and get discounted tickets online! Avoid queues and save time at entrance.


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Book Boboli Gardens tickets with museuly!

Boboli Gardens – a massive sculpture park in Florence, Italy – with huge collection of 16th-18th centuries sculptures from all around the world. They are located directly behind famous Pitti Palace. You can book tickets to Pitti Palace on museuly as well!

Famous sites include Neptune Fountain and the Izolotto.

Get discounted Boboli Gardens tickets on Museuly!

Boboli Gardens – This magnificent park can be found in Florence, Italy, and it contains numerous spectacular sculptures from the 16th through the 18th centuries.  Your family will love strolling around the gardens behind the PItti Palace as you all marvel at the grottos, temples, and more.

Don’t delay your enjoyment of this fabulous destination! Purchase your discounted tickets to Boboli Gardens on Museuly in advance and start your fun immediately!

Boboli Gardens in Florence

The Medici Grand Dukes of Tuscany and Florence have long called the Pitti Palace their home and the beautiful Boboli Gardens sit directly behind the massive building.  The 16th century gardens were created for Eleonora di Toledo, who was the wife of Cosimo I de’ Medici.

Numerous people worked hard to create this masterpiece of a garden, as the first person, Niccolò Tribolo, died before he could complete his vision.  Bartolomeo Ammanati quickly took over the rest of the work on the gardens, while Giorgio Vasari created the grottos and Bernardo Buontalenti created the sculptures.

While there is no natural water source within the gardens, that hasn’t stopped future family members from making these gardens bigger and more fabulous.  During the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, meadows, small groves, and avenues were created, while considering the phenomenal panoramic views that visitors would see.  Decorative complexes were also constructed, so that everyone could experience an outdoor museum filled with historic statues.

One of the most popular features within the Boboli Gardens is Neptune’s Fountain, or the Fountain of the Fork.  The fountain was named after the statue that was placed in the center of the fountain and holds a trident.

As visitors are entering Boboli Gardens, they will pass a fountain that has an octaganol basin, which earned it the name of artichoke fountain by the locals.  There are numerous statues by the fountain, but the best feature is the bronze lily.  Inside the center of the amphitheater, which is just past the artichoke fountain, visitors will see an Egyptian obelisk that was procured from Luxor and installed during 1789.

Guests will love walking underneath the oak trees that have been around for centuries, as they smell the fragrant scents from the current blooming flowers.  One of the most popular avenues that everyone walks down is the Viottolone, and it leads directly to the Isolotto, which is a large pond.  In the middle of the pond is an island and a fountain called Ocean can be found directly in the middle.  Three sculptures surround the fountain; Nile, Gange, and Euphrates, and they represent the three great rivers of the world.  Two marble sculptures emerge from the water around the island and they are Perseus on horseback and Andromeda.

People may capture a glimpse of other visitors reading or simply relaxing as they are tucked into one of the obscure and hidden corners along Viottolone.  Seeing those people enjoying the solitude normally encourages others to find their own secret corner, so that they can do the same.

The best views within this park can be found at the Giardino del Cavaliere, which is at the top of a double staircase.  Once a person reaches this meadow, they will see extraordinary views of Torre al Gallo and multiple luxurious Florentine manors scattered amongst the hills.  Many people prefer to spend extra time in this area during the month of May, because the roses are in full bloom during that time and the colors and scents are phenomenal.

Guests are welcome to visit the Boboli Gardens at any time throughout the year with the exception of January 1st and December 25th when they are closed.  Of course, inclement weather can prevent visitors from seeing this beautiful park, as it may not be safe for everyone to walk through during bad weather.

The park opens every day at a quarter past eight in the morning and closing times are dependent on how long it currently stays light outside.  Guests are not permitted to enter Boboli Gardens after the hour prior to closing time.

Renovations, upkeep, and maintenance can keep certain areas of the park off-limit to guests throughout the year, although with so much to see, it is still worth the trip.  Besides, it is necessary to do all this work, so that everyone can enjoy this magnificent historical place for many more generations in the future.  Due to horrific vandalism in the past, certain original sculptures have been replaced with copies, as the originals are secured within safe places in the buildings.  However, each copy has all the same details, so no one ever knows when they are seeing a copy instead of an original.

Everyone will want to purchase their discount tickets to Boboli Gardens from Museuly in advance, so that they will not need to wait in long queue lines once they arrive.  Instead, they can start exploring the beauty before them!



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